No Create Date Author Title Seria Edition Link HIP
1 2024/09/06 wstęp, wybór i redakcja : Jan Barcz, Agnieszka Grzelak i Rafał Szyndlauer. Problem praworządności w Polsce w świetle orzecznictwa Trybunału Sprawiedliwości UE : (2021). Księga 1 / [electronic resource] Warszawa : Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa, 2022. See more
2 2024/09/06 wstęp, wybór i redakcja : Jan Barcz, Agnieszka Grzelak. Problem praworządności w Polsce w świetle orzecznictwa Trybunału Sprawiedliwości UE : (20222023) / [electronic resource] Warszawa : Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa, 2024. See more
3 2024/09/06 wstęp, wybór i redakcja : Jan Barcz, Agnieszka Grzelak i Rafał Szyndlauer. Problem praworządności w Polsce w świetle orzecznictwa Trybunału Sprawiedliwości UE : Okres "dialogu politycznego" 2016-2017 / [electronic resource] Warszawa : Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa, 2020. See more
4 2024/09/06 wstęp, wybór i redakcja : Jan Barcz, Agnieszka Grzelak i Rafał Szyndlauer. Problem praworządności w Polsce w świetle orzecznictwa Trybunału Sprawiedliwości UE : (2021). Księga 2 / [electronic resource] Warszawa : Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa, 2022. See more
5 2024/09/03 Afshon Ostovar. Wars of Ambition : The United States, Iran, and the Struggle for the Middle East / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
6 2024/09/03 Daniel Drewski, Jürgen Gerhards. Framing Refugees : How the Admission of Refugees is Debated in Six Countries across the World / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
7 2024/09/03 Alec Stone Sweet, Wayne Sandholtz. The Law and Politics of International Human Rights Courts : The Dilemma of Effectiveness / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
8 2024/09/03 Vicente Valentim. The Normalization of the Radical Right : A Norms Theory of Political Supply and Demand / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
9 2024/09/03 Mark Purdon. The Political Economy of Climate Finance Effectiveness in Developing Countries : Carbon Markets, Climate Funds, and the State / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
10 2024/09/03 Mahmoud Bassiouni. Human Rights Between Universality and Islamic Legitimacy / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
11 2024/09/03 edited by Thomas Poguntke, Wilhelm Hofmeister. Political Parties and the Crisis of Democracy : Organization, Resilience, and Reform / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
12 2024/09/03 edited by Nicolas Bueno, Beryl ter Haar, Nuna Zekic. Labour Law Utopias : Post-Growth & Post-Productive Work Approaches / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
13 2024/09/03 Stephen R. Barnard. Hacking Hybrid Media : Power and Practice in an Age of Manipulation / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
14 2024/08/22 edited by William A. Joseph. Politics in China : An Introduction / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
15 2024/08/22 Christopher Whyte. Subversion 2.0 : Leaderlessness, the Internet, and the Fringes of Global Society / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
16 2024/08/22 Sabrina Karim, Daniel W. Hill, Jr. Positioning Women in Conflict Studies : How Women's Status Affects Political Violence / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
17 2024/08/21 Aiko Holvikivi. Fixing Gender : The Paradoxical Politics of Training Peacekeepers / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
18 2024/08/21 Jerome Drevon. From Jihad to Politics : How Syrian Jihadis Embraced Politics / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
19 2024/08/21 Gabriele Badano, Alasia Nuti. Politicizing Political Liberalism : On the Containment of Illiberal and Antidemocratic Views / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
20 2024/08/20 Anna Arstein-Kerslake. The Right to Legal Personhood of Marginalised Groups : Achieving Equal Recognition Before the Law for All / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
21 2024/08/20 Alyssa G. Bernstein. Palestinian Political Organizations in Israeli Prisons / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
22 2024/08/16 Felix Pflücke. Compliance with European Consumer Law : The Case of E-Commerce / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
23 2024/08/16 edited by Giacinto della Cananea, Jean-Bernard Auby. General Principles and Sector-Specific Rules in European Administrative Laws / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
24 2024/08/16 Samson Y. Esayas. Data Privacy and Competition Law in the Age of Big Data : Unpacking the Interface Through Complexity Science / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
25 2024/08/16 edited by Damilola S. Olawuyi, José Juan González, Hanri Mostert, Milton Fernando Montoya, Catherine Banet. Net Zero and Natural Resources Law : Sovereignty, Security, and Solidarity in the Clean Energy Transition / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
26 2024/08/16 Masha Kirasirova. The Eastern International : Arabs, Central Asians, and Jews in the Soviet Union's Anticolonial Empire / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
27 2024/08/16 Nataliya Kibita. The Institutional Foundations of Ukrainian Democracy : Power Sharing, Regionalism, and Authoritarianism / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
28 2024/08/14 edited by Martin Dribe, Therese Nilsson, Anna Tegunimataka. Urban Lives : An Industrial City and Its People During the Twentieth Century / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
29 2024/08/14 Tobias Brinkmann. Between Borders : The Great Jewish Migration from Eastern Europe / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
30 2024/08/14 Duncan Green. How Change Happens / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
31 2024/07/25 Matthew Gerth. Anti-Communism in Britain During the Early Cold War : A Very British Witch Hunt / [electronic resource] New Historical Perspectives London : University of London Press, 2023. See more
32 2024/07/25 Matthew Kerry. Unite, Proletarian Brothers! : Radicalism and Revolution in the Spanish Second Republic / [electronic resource] New Historical Perspectives London : University of London Press, 2020. See more
33 2024/07/25 edited by Debra Kelly, Martyn Cornick. A history of the French in London : Liberty, equality, opportunity / [electronic resource] IHR Conference London : University of London Press ; Institute of Historical Research, 2013. See more
34 2024/07/25 Jasmin Mujanovic. The Bosniaks : Nationhood After Genocide / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
35 2024/07/25 Genevieve Guenther. The Language of Climate Politics : Fossil-Fuel Propaganda and How to Fight It / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
36 2024/07/25 Christopher Phillips. Civilian Specialists at War : Britain's Transport Experts and the First World War / [electronic resource] New Historical Perspectives London : University of London Press, 2020. See more
37 2024/07/25 Alison Pargeter. Tribes and the State in Libya and Iraq : From the Nationalist Era to the New Order / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
38 2024/07/25 Penelope J. Corfield, Tim Hitchcock. Becoming a Historian : An Informal Guide / [electronic resource] IHR Shorts London : University of London Press, 2022. See more
39 2024/07/25 edited by Doug Specht. Mapping Crisis : Participation, Datafication and Humanitarianism in the Age of Digital Mapping / [electronic resource] Critical Human Rights Studies London : University of London Press, 2020. See more
40 2024/07/25 Mererid Puw Davies. Writing and the West German Protest Movements : The Textual Revolution / [electronic resource] imlr books London : University of London Press ; Institute of Modern Languages Research, 2016. See more
41 2024/07/25 edited by Miruna Butnaru Troncotă, Ali Onur Özçelik, Radu-Alexandru Cucută. Reconfiguring EU Peripheries : Political Elites, Contestation, and Geopolitical Shifts / [electronic resource] Pro et Contra Helsinki : Helsinki University Press, 2024. See more
42 2024/07/24 Wendy Ugolini. Wales in England, 1914-1945 : A Social, Cultural, and Military History / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
43 2024/07/24 Damian Clifford. Data Protection Law and Emotion / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
44 2024/07/24 Marco Roscini. International Law and the Principle of Non-Intervention : History, Theory, and Interactions with Other Principles / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
45 2024/07/24 Elizabeth Pearson. Extreme Britain : Gender, Masculinity and Radicalization / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
46 2024/07/24 edited by Giacomo Floris, Nikolas Kirby. How Can We Be Equals? / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
47 2024/07/23 edited by Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor, Jamie Gilham. Muslim Women in Britain, 1850-1950 : 100 Years of Hidden History / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
48 2024/07/23 edited by James R. Lewis, Akil N. Awan. Radicalisation : A Global and Comparative Perspective / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
49 2024/07/23 James M. Brophy. Print Markets and Political Dissent : Publishers in Central Europe, 1800-1870 / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
50 2024/07/18 Samuel J. Hirst. Against the Liberal Order : The Soviet Union, Turkey, and Statist Internationalism, 1919-1939 / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
51 2024/07/18 Gregory Besharov. Microeconomics in Words / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
52 2024/07/05 Luis de la Calle, Ignacio Sánchez-Cuenca. Underground Violence : On the Nature of Terrorism / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
53 2024/07/05 Christian Bueger, Timothy Edmunds. Understanding Maritime Security / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, See more
54 2024/07/05 Oriana Skylar Mastro. Upstart : How China became a Great Power / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
55 2024/07/03 Steven A. Cook. The End of Ambition : America's Past, Present, and Future in the Middle East / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
56 2024/07/03 Robert Gorwa. The Politics of Platform Regulation : How Governments Shape Online Content Moderation / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
57 2024/07/03 Sarah Oates, Gordon Neil Ramsay. Seeing Red : Russian Propaganda and American News / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
58 2024/07/03 Erica Frantz, Andrea Kendall-Taylor, Joe Wright. The Origins of Elected Strongmen : How Personalist Parties Destroy Democracy from Within / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
59 2024/07/03 Luke Glanville, James Pattison. Prioritizing Global Responsibilities / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
60 2024/06/27 Scott J. Shackelford, Scott O. Bradner. Forks in the Digital Road : Key Decisions in the History of the Internet / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
61 2024/06/27 Gerard Toal. Oceans Rise Empires Fall : Why Geopolitics Hastens Climate Catastrophe / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
62 2024/06/26 Roger D. Petersen. Death, Dominance, and State-Building : The US in Iraq and the Future of American Military Intervention / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
63 2024/06/26 John Keane, Baogang He. China's Galaxy Empire : Wealth, Power, War, and Peace in the New Chinese Century / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
64 2024/06/19 edited by Federico Fabbrini. The Law and Politics of Brexit. Volume V, The Trade and Cooperation Agreement / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
65 2024/06/19 Irini Katsirea. Press Freedom and Regulation in a Digital Era : A Comparative Study / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
66 2024/06/19 Núria González Campañá. Secession and European Union Law : The Deferential Attitude / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
67 2024/06/14 edited by Nehal Bhuta. Human Rights in Transition / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
68 2024/06/14 edited by Sandesh Sivakumaran, Captain Christian R. Burne. Making and Shaping the Law of Armed Conflict / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more
69 2024/06/14 Maeve O'Rourke. Human Rights and the Care of Older People : Dignity, Vulnerability, and the Anti-Torture Norm / [electronic resource] Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024. See more